The IPI Group, LLC

Have a question about our company or services? We have the answer.

Check out these FAQs and then contact The IPI Group, LLC for more information.

  • Can you come to our facility and put HT Stamps on our packaging?

    Unfortunately, we are unable to apply HT Stamps at your facility. The law mandates that HT Stamps remain in our possession and be used only within our premises. We automatically certify and stamp all wood packaging products we manufacture. If a product we've made is delivered without an HT Stamp, we'll need to retrieve it, inspect it for any alterations, apply the stamp, and return it to you.

  • Can I get my non-complying wood packaging fumigated so I can use it?

    While fumigation is technically possible, we do not offer this service. It's important to note that fumigation is not RoHS-compliant. Generally, fumigation is a temporary measure used for countries newly adopting the IPPC's export wood HT program, allowing them to use packaging manufactured before joining the program.

  • Can you give me a written certification that the wood packaging meets the HT Export requirements?

    While we could provide written certification, it's not required or recommended. The IPPC and ISPM-15 follow The Paperwork Reduction Act. Including such certification with your shipment documents may be viewed as suspicious by customs and potentially delay your shipment. Written certifications are typically reserved for countries new to the program. However, we can provide additional documentation for specific countries like China that may require it beyond IPPC requirements.
  • Can you build crates without lumber?

    While it's possible to build crates without lumber, it's not advisable. Crates made solely from plywood or OSB are exempt from the IPPC program but are more expensive and less stable because no panel product can safely be edge nailed, screwed, or fastened to. (according to the APA ). Alternative materials like Recycled Plastic Lumber (Trex) or Structural Composite Lumber  (SCL) are often costly, not rated for structural use, or difficult to fasten. For lighter shipments, Pelican Cases can be a suitable alternative, though they have size limitations.

  • Can you put an HT Stamp on the pieces of wood you sell me?

    We cannot apply HT Stamps to individual pieces of wood sold. The HT Stamp is restricted to crates, pallets, or other items we manufacture. However, we can apply 'Dunnage' stamps on wood we sell that is intended for use as dunnage.
  • How can I be sure our freight will not be held up at the border?

    While we cannot guarantee that freight won't be delayed at borders, using wood packaging with a stamp from a company in good standing with the program significantly reduces the risk of delays due to packaging issues. Each certified company has a unique number on their stamp. The IPI Group has maintained a perfect record with no rejections or detainments for non-conformance, red flags, or questionable materials worldwide since the program's inception.

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