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IPI Contract Manufacturing & Design Services

With IPI Group's multi-faceted manufacturing and fabrication abilities, we can build many things you may have a hard time finding elswhere.  We engineer, design, and build projects to meet your company's display, trade show, and other specialty needs.

Stratadrome Portable Arena Systems


Stratadrome Portable Arena Systems set up in minutes without tools on any surface for use with arena soccer, roller hockey, hockey, and lacrosse.  


Stratadrome Arenas are weatherproof and even the largest arenas store in a space 7'x 5'x 6' and weigh only 2 pounds per linear foot (3 pounds for Type II dromes).  They set up in as little as 20 minutes with 2 people.  With no tools required for set up, even children can set them up!


Designed to play a roller hockey ball the same as an ice hockey puck they are the best playing portable system available and also the most affordable!

Tradeshow Crowd Getter


This is an example a tradeshow display contracted to us to get the attention of people walking by the booth in hopes of gaining extra traffic for potential customers.  Their request: A remote control car raceway.  What they received:  A one of a kind tradeshow display that definitely got noticed!


Just another sample of IPI's versatility.  We think outside the box!

© 2025 IPI Group LLC  All rights reserved        

better business bureau accredited member
Colorado manufacturing
world trade center denver member
colorado manufacturer CAMA
USCIS E-verify
national federation of independent business member
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